Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"When you look me in the eyes and tell me that you love me, everything's alright....I catch a glimpse of heaven when you look me in the eyes."

"I take you to be my husband, loving you now and as you grow and develop into all that God intends. I will love you when we are together and when we are apart; when our lives are at peace and when they are in turmoil; when I am proud of you and when I am disappointed in you; in times of rest and in times of work. I will honor your goals and dreams and help you to fulfill them. From the depth of my being, I will seek to be open and honest with you. I say these things believing that God is in the midst of them all. "
The eyes I look into each day are the eyes that teared when speaking these vows to me.
The eyes I look into each day are the eyes that are as blue as the sea and make me feel safe.
The eyes I look into each day are the eyes that roll when I am an irrational woman.
The eyes I look into each day are the eyes that comfort my heart when I am sad.
The eyes I look into each day are the eyes that become red and irritated from his job tasks.
The eyes I look into each day are the eyes that watch Barney with our 2 year old.
The eyes I look into each day are the eyes that watch the weather radar around the clock.
The eyes I look into each day are the eyes that admire a chocolate dessert as much as mine!
The eyes I look into each day are the eyes that close to rest after a day's work.
The eyes I look into each day are the eyes that God created and filled with love for me.
The eyes I look into each day are the eyes that I am blessed to look into today.
The eyes I look into each day are the eyes that I pray I can look into tomorrow & all of my days.

1 comment:

Linda C said...

Very sweet! You've got a good man there, Missy!

Great post:)
